Turn 404 error page into brand opportunity



A 404 error message is something that we have all encountered at least once while surfing the internet. It occurs when a user tries to access a webpage that does not exist or has been moved or deleted. Unfortunately, it can be frustrating for users who expect the website to work seamlessly without any disruptions. As such, it’s essential to have a good 404 error message. A good 404 error message should concisely explain what went wrong in plain language and what to do next. This message should convey pertinent information about why the error occurred and how to proceed. It should not be vague, misleading, or unhelpful.

More than 80% of 404 pages give users only one option — go back to where they came from. What a downer. To ease this frustration, it is important to include links to existing pages on the website on the 404 error page. This will help users continue their navigation and find what they are looking for.

According to the principles of gamification, users want to feel like they’re making progress. So design 404 pages that allow users to progress to other parts of the site gets us a lot more chance of keeping users on sight and nudging them in the right direction. BUT we should not include everything in these links. In general, aiming to include up to 4 links on a 404 page is good practice.

Overall, including links to existing pages and making users feel that they are making progress is essential in creating a positive user experience on the 404 error page. By doing so, users are more likely to continue exploring the website and may even discover new content they were not originally looking for.

The first step in turning a 404 page into a brand opportunity is to make it visually appealing. Instead of the generic, plain white error page, consider using your brand’s colors or a creative design that reflects your brand’s personality. This will help your brand stand out and make a lasting impression on the user.

Next, consider adding some humor or personality to the page. A witty message or humorous image can help ease the frustration and leave a positive impression on the user. This can also reflect your brand’s values and personality.

Another way to turn a 404 page into a brand opportunity is to provide helpful navigation options. Include links to popular pages on your website or suggest similar content that the user may be interested in. This will not only help the user find what they were originally looking for, but it can also showcase the other valuable content your brand has to offer.

Finally, consider adding a call-to-action (CTA) on your 404 page. This can be as simple as encouraging the user to explore your website further or inviting them to sign up for your newsletter. This will help keep the user engaged with your brand and can turn a negative experience into a positive one.

Mohamed Yosef
Mohamed Yosef

A Data Scientist and Researcher, focusing on deep reinforcement learning and human-AI interaction.