Putting data into action

Hi, I’m Mohamed, and this is all about my work in AI, ML and Reinforcement Learning (RL).

My focus is on developing machine learning models and advancing research in Reinforcement Learning to tackle real-world challenges. My work bridges the theory and application, exploring how AI systems can help us make smarter decisions in various industries, better understand the world around us and the world inside us (the brain).

Mohamed Yosef

Mohamed Yosef

Applied AI/ML Researcher

Mansoura University

About Me

My passion for data and mathematics has fuelled a diverse career where I apply machine learning and AI to solve real-world problems.

I’ve collaborated with businesses to leverage AI for smarter decision-making, automate workflows, and create advanced chatbots. My experience spans building recommendation systems, time-series forecasting models, and applying AI across various industries. I’ve led research projects at the intersection of economic trends, energy consumption, and human performance, such as my recent analysis of the 2024 Olympics.

In addition to my freelance projects, I’ve developed apps like AQSA and EVNTO for universities and startups, using AI to enhance user experiences. My work thrives in collaborative environments, and I’m always looking for innovative ways AI can transform industries and impact the future.

Currently, I’m focusing on mastering reinforcement learning, expanding my expertise in Natural Language Processing and Time Series Analysis, while exploring how AI can drive human-AI interaction and deeper insights into the brain.

  • Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Human-AI Interaction
  • The Human Brain
  • Statistics & Computer Science

    Faculty of Science, Mansoura University

All Publications

Olympics performance and Economic status

Olympics performance and Economic status

Exploring the relationship between a country’s economic standing and its performance in Paris 2024 Olympics. At first, you’ll assume that wealthier countries with larger populations dominate the Olympics, but I’m not taking about that. The thing is what countries did better despite their “median” or “low” economy.

EVNTO: Your Campus Events Simplified

EVNTO: Your Campus Events Simplified

This project is part of the EVNTO app aimed at improving engagement for Mansoura University students by providing them with useful AI tools such as sentiment analysis, a chatbot, and a cold start recommendation system.

AQSA: AI for Startups

AQSA: AI for Startups

AQSA is a comprehensive AI-driven solution for startups and small businesses. We created AQSA with a goal to reach the gap between research and real-world applications. Our project contains three components; generative chatbot, automated data analyzer, and forecasting module. All with a goal to provide information, enhance decision-making, and foster innovation within the startup ecosystem.

The foundations of Machine Learning and Deep Learning

The foundations of Machine Learning and Deep Learning

This paper explores the foundational concepts of machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL), providing a detailed understanding for both researchers and beginners aiming to develop a solid grasp of when and how to use different models effectively.

Reinforcement Learning: All the Basics

Reinforcement Learning: All the Basics

From AlphaGo beating the world champion in Go, to the newest updates on large language models and what they can do, RL algorithms with no doubt have a huge impact in the present and the future of automation and Human-AI interaction. With this collection of RL principles, you’ll gain a deeper understand of how RL work and you may gain insights applicable in your own work, leading to innovative solutions.

Global Energy Consumption from 1983 to 2022

Global Energy Consumption from 1983 to 2022

The energy system has transformed dramatically since the Industrial Revolution. We found that the fastest growing energy source is Solar Energy. While the slowest energy source is Traditional biomass.

Unemployment rate and economic growth after COVID-19

Unemployment rate and economic growth after COVID-19

TThe goal of the project was to explore the relationship between the growth rate of the economy and the unemployment rate in the last four years since COVID-19.


AQSA Presentation
أقصى (AQSA) هو مشروع بحثي تم بناءه ليكون حل شامل قائم على الذكاء الاصطناعي موجه للشركات الناشئة والمشاريع الصغيرة. هدفنا من ابتكار أقصى هو كسر الفجوة بين الأبحاث والتطبيقات الواقعية. يتكون مشروعنا من ثلاثة أقسام، كل قسم مصمم لمواجهة تحديات مهمة في عالم الأعمال. القسم الأول هو شات بوت ذكي، قادر على الإجابة على استفسارات حول جوانب مختلفة في منظومة الشركات الناشئة، بما في ذلك الأجزاء الأخرى من مشروع عقصة والمبادئ العامة لإدارة المشاريع. القسم الثاني يركز على تحليل البيانات الآلي، باستخدام تقنيات المعالجة الأولية وتعلم الآلة لاستخراج رؤى قيمة من البيانات الخام - مما يسمح للشركات الناشئة باتخاذ قرارات أفضل وأخيرا، القسم الثالث هو نموذج التنبؤ، الذي يجمع بين البيانات التاريخية واتجاهات السوق وعوامل خارجية مثل سعر صرف الدولار الأمريكي مقابل الجنيه المصري وأسعار النفط لتوليد توقعات موثوقة للمبيعات أو أسعار الفائدة في الشهر أو السنة القادمة.